Senior School | Careers & Pathways

Senior School

Senior School | Careers & Pathways 1
Asli Dulger

Dear Families & Guardians,

This week, our VCE, My VCE and VCE-VM students started their Semester 2 classes. It has been fantastic to see the academic rigour increase for our students as well as seeing students navigate through times of assessment periods. This is something that students should be proud of, as we most definitely are.


On the 18th of June, Year 11 students completing a Year 12 subject completed their very first VCAA Examination known as the General Achievement Test (GAT). The GAT plays an important role in the quality assurance of VCE assessments and also provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate they meet the Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Standards expected at a senior secondary level. Next year, all Year 12 students (VCE, MyVCE and VCE-VM) will need to complete this assessment.

The Senior School would like to thank Ms Connor who worked very closely with our 34 Year 11 students who are currently completing a Year 12 subject. She provided detailed feedback as well as guidance for our students in completing the exam.

Missing SACs

We wanted to remind all students and families that if a student is absent from a SAC, they must obtain either a medical certificate or a statutory declaration. The Senior School and VCAA Policies state that students will be provided with an opportunity to sit their SAC if they have this information. More information about this can be found in the Senior School Handbook on the College website.


We are most definitely feeling the cooler weather- especially in Craigieburn. I wanted to remind families that it is important that students are wearing the correct uniform to school. In order to keep warm, students are encouraged to wear: v-neck thermals, the ESC long sleeve, pants, jumper and/or jacket. The College has scarves and beanies which can be purchased from Noone at Craigieburn Junction. Thank you to families who have been working with us on this matter.

Year 12 Jumpers

Two weeks ago, our Year 11 cohort voted on the design for their Year 12 jumper. Almost 94% of the students voted for the design below to be picked at the official 2025 Year 12 Jumper. Thank you to all students who provided their voice and input into the voting process. We are hoping to have sizing samples delivered to the school at the start of Term 3 so that we can begin the student ordering process.

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Formal Committee

The Senior School has also established a Formal Committee which will be a student body who will work closely with myself in the planning of the very first Year 12 Formal at Elevation. More information about this will be released in due course.

On behalf of the Senior School, we wish all our students a well earned restful break. We hope students are able to have some time to themselves in order to refresh for Term 3 ahead.

Asli Dulger

Senior School Leader

Careers & Pathways

Senior School | Careers & Pathways 3
Alex Connor

Vocation & Careers Update

Work Experience

This week all Year 10s are out on Work Experience. Staff have been visiting students on the work site and report students enjoying their work and learning new skills. Next term students will report back to the college and we can include some of their own stories.

Open Days

It is that time of the year where students in Year 10 and 11 should be looking to attend Open Days at TAFE and Universities. These days are typically held on weekends. They offer students the chance to hear about difference courses, events at university, application process and to walk about the campus. Please see below for the list of some upcoming Open Days.

Click on any of the links below to explore universities’ open days across Melbourne.

Information Evenings for Alternative Pathways

While we would like all students to be able to complete their chosen pathway at Elevation Secondary College, we understand that we cannot provide all senior students with their chosen pathway. Therefore, we accept that some students need to move to another provider. Other providers can include other secondary schools that specialise in delivering VCE:VM with specialised VET such as Peter Lalor Secondary College or TAFE colleges such as Kangan or Melbourne Polytechnic. The Northern College of the Arts (NCAT) is a senior school that specialises in The Arts and Performance.


The information evening will be held on Thursday 25th July. This is open to the public.

Visit their website here. To register your interest here for their information evening.


This information night will be held on Tuesday 6th August. This is also open to the public. For more details about their program, visit their website here.


For more information about Kangan TAFE, visit their website here.


For more information about Melbourne Polytechic, visit their website here.

VCE:VM Student Reports

This term has seen our VCE:VM students complete their first semester of our subjects. It has been exciting for the College and students to witness their growth as many have navigated their own way to and from external TAFE subjects, work and School Based Apprenticeships. Three of our students have used some of the skills they have focused on in Literacy to write a short article about their experiences this year.

Making a website in literacy.

Senior School | Careers & Pathways 4

Adriel 11A

Literacy VM we made two websites. One about our hobby and a safety website. My hobby website was about my Country the Philippines. My website included the history of the Philippines. I had to get this from two different sites.I made a page about the history of the language which is Tagalog. I got my information from Britannica. My focus was the history of the people, and the history of a dialect called Kapampangan. All the information that I got was from the same websites but they all had different links so I had to make sure I got the link for my source of information. I also added videos to expand the information of the website that I didn’t get.
The other website I made was about making sure you find the right electrician. I made this website because I am doing an electrical course in TAFE. This website includes things like what you should ask and what you look for when hiring an electrician. As when hiring an electrician, it can be very hard to find the right electrician for the job. The website also included reputable electrical companies and a checklist and toolkits for it because you can never go wrong with asking the electrician to make sure they are competent to work on your house.
We also had to make a reflective journal on our safety websites from another website. The website I chose to compare my website to was WorkSafe Victoria. Looking at their website made me realise that my website had to improve. This is the reason why I was able to find many things to improve about what I can do on my website.

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School Based Apprenticeship Report

Aryan 11E

Hi, my name is Aryan. As a VCE VM  student I am undertaking a school based apprenticeship in the automotive industry. I am currently doing my work experience at Toyota airport. I attend Kangan Tafe where I am doing block release. Which means I have to attend tafe every first week of the holidays. At Toyota since I am a first year apprentice they will mostly make you clean the workshop. Every morning for 3 hours I have to clean the workplace and make sure everything is in the right place. After I have finished the morning duties they let me work on cars with qualified mechanics. I mostly do servicing on cars like changing oil, check tires and change air filters. Since it’s Toyota their cars don’t really have major problems. When I first started I hated it because all I was doing was cleaning but now they have got two new apprentices so when I arrive in the mornings I just check to make sure the new apprentice has done the cleaning properly. When I have finished checking it I go tell the boss then he will send me to a mechanic to help them out for the day. Every Friday I work with a different person. I am enjoying the course I have chosen because I’d rather be working on a Friday then to attend school. I used to hate coming to school but doing VCE VM programs offer students a head start in their chosen career path by providing practical, hands-on training from qualified instructors. This early exposure allows students to develop essential skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to the automotive industry. Since my school offers VCE VM programs typically provide dedicated support from knowledgeable instructors who are passionate about mentoring students. This supportive environment encourages student engagement and enhances overall learning outcomes.

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VET: Certificate III in Early Childhood & Education

Nada 11D

Every wednesday I go to Kangan Tafe for Early Childhood Education to earn my certificate three. We do most of our work on the computers like our assignments and mini quizzes. The other half of our work is either on paper or practical. My practical work includes all the units I work on: for example when I did my diversity unit we had to make a activity from scratch that includes all different types of religions  and backgrounds.

This course has made me learn a lot of information and has shown me more about the working world. I’m really thankful because this gives me a good opportunity to pursue child care in the future. 

TAFE has so many more options than normal school. I feel comfortable because there is more leniency like having my phone, wearing casual clothes and having three different breaks where we can go wherever we want. You don’t need to be embarrassed to go to the bathroom, they just let you. Also TAFE makes you feel free and much older than you are. You get the freedom to make your own opportunities and if you make mistakes you have to own up to them because you’re on your own. Another thing I love about TAFE is how the classes are set up –  the first hour we have a worksheet or we do a slideshow about are unit, then we go out for are first break for fifteen minutes, then we do another worksheet or finish off the work we did the first hour, after that we have a two hour practical that relates to the unit. We go off for a half  an hour break, come back and do another sheet work then go for a fifteen minute break and come back and finish or start any assmentes we have. 

Alex Connor

Vocational Leader & Careers Teacher

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