Junior School | Engagement & Wellbeing

Junior School | Engagement & Wellbeing 1
Gulsen Tankir
Junior School | Engagement & Wellbeing 2
Courtney Gorham

Year 7

It has been an exciting and enriching term for our Year 7 students, filled with both celebration and education. In Week 4, we held a Junior Assembly where we proudly acknowledged students who participated in Inter-School Sports, the Chinese Reading Competition and the David Williamson Writing Competition.

Recently, our students also took part in the ThinkUKnow Police Proactive Session, led by guest speakers from the local Victoria Police. The session covered important topics around E-safety, bullying, and image sharing, equipping our students with valuable knowledge to navigate the online world safely.

Year 8

This term, our Year 8 students have been participating in Welcome Circles, an initiative helping to build strong connections with their peers and teachers. The sessions are run during Mentor Group by their Mentor Group teacher where students gather to share their thoughts in a supportive environment. By participating in Welcome Circles students start the day feeling connected and more prepared and positive for the day ahead.

Junior School | Engagement & Wellbeing 3

Student Learning Conferences

Thank you to all parents and guardians who participated in our recent Student Learning Conferences. These meetings are an invaluable opportunity to strengthen the partnership between families and our school, ensuring that we are all working together to support the development of our students. We appreciate your continued involvement.

Ready to Learn

We kindly ask for your support in helping your child be prepared for each school day. Arriving by 8.30am sets a positive tone for the day ahead. It’s important that students come equipped with the necessary materials, including pens, one book per subject, textbook, etc. so they can fully engage in their learning. Additionally, wearing the correct uniform fosters a sense of belonging and commitment to our school expectations of Aiming High, Working Hard and Being Good. Your efforts at home make an impact in your child’s success at school and we appreciate your continued support.

Courtney Gorham & Gulsen Tankir

Year 7 & Year 8 Level Leaders

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