Principal’s Report

New relocatable classrooms

As mentioned in my last report, we have had 3 new relocatable buildings containing 5 classrooms installed and completed this term. These classrooms have given us some much-needed flexibility in the timetable which is great. It is highly likely we will add more classrooms to the school before the end of the year to ensure we have enough space for our newest cohort of year 7 students, arriving in 2025. We are working very regularly with the North-Western Victoria Region and the Victorian School Building Authority to ensure that we have enough classrooms and playing space for students.

Work Experience

It has been wonderful to see so many of our year 10 students getting into the workplace via our work experience program this year. Students have been participating in a huge variety of industries and workplaces this year. A massive thanks to our careers and pathways team of Michelle Watt. John Tikulin, Lola Panuccio and Alex Connor for all their efforts in supporting our students in their placements.

Refugee Day Concert

I was lucky enough to attend last week’s music concert to celebrate World Refugee Day. Organised by Mr Le and the Music team, this lunchtime concert showcased a huge array of musical talent in a variety of different genres. We’re lucky to have so many students involved in the music program, working week by week to improve their performance skills.

Year 10 Exams

We’ve seen some excellent academic performance by our Year 10 students in our recent Year 10 exam period. Firstly I need to congratulate our Year 10’s for the manner in which they undertook the exams. It was clear that students had taken the entire process seriously, from revision and preparation to the sitting of the exams themselves. Many of our teachers reported students achieving better scores on the exam than they had during the semester in their subject.

This type of practice is highly effective for preparing students for future high stakes exams in Year 12. Of course the most effective practice is practice undertaken at full speed. Congratulations to those who really Aimed High during preparation and Worked Hard to achieve their best result.

Term 3 Student Learning Conferences and Subject Selection Conferences

Early in term 3 students and families will be undertaking the combined Student Learning Conferences and Subject Selection Conferences – on the 1st and 2nd of August.

Our Term 3 Students Learning Conferences operate across the two days, and allow students to conference with their parents and teachers regarding progress across the year, goals for second semester and their Aim High, Work Hard, Be Good scores. All students must attend at least one Student learning Conference.

The Subject Selection Conferences will be focused on Year 9 and 10 students as they choose their senior school programs for Year 10 and 11. The Subject Selection Conferences will be led by members of our careers and pathways teams and other members of the leadership team.

Both programs will run at the same time across the two days, allowing families to attend both SLCs and Subject Selection Conferences at the same time. These conference days are essential in moving student learning forward and finalizing pathways planning for senior students.

Bookings will be open in Compass next term closer to the dates.

Building Fund Details

As I mentioned in the last newsletter, our Tax-Deductible Building Fund is now open for donations from members of the community.

The purpose of the fund is to help us improve the facilities through short and medium-term projects that will improve the facility and student experience.

A number of these projects are affordable and actionable soon. These include:

  • Senior School Study Centre furniture
  • Improved wellbeing facilities and rooms
  • Large undercover area

The suggested donation is $100, however, families and community members are able to choose an amount they would like to donate. Payment can be made via Compass or at the front office by EFT or cash.

Donations are tax deductible.

Colin Burke

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