Principal’s Report

Year 10 Exams

Our Year 10 exams have now been completed and were held for the first time in our gymnasium. The Year 10 exams were held with adherence to VCAA examination rules, to give our students a practice run of what they can expect in Year 12 exams. The students responded very well to these expectations.

Students in younger years sometimes wonder why we place such an emphasis on work completion and ensuring that students complete their learning tasks in class in as much detail as possible (one of the key indicators for our Behavioural Expectation of Work Hard). Among many other reasons, it is precisely because of this – preparing for high stakes assessments like exams. Continuous practice across a number of years, which requires effort, practice and fully completing tasks in and out of class time is excellent preparation for higher level learning tasks like exams and SACs.  In talking with our teachers as they assess exams, I’ve been impressed by the length and detail of many responses from our students to their exams and the high percentage of students who have attempted every question.

It is the effort and rigour applied across many years of education that leads to success in exams – not cramming the night before.

I would like to thank Ms Nicholas for her organization of the exams and her excellence in performing the role of head examiner. Our Learning Specialists, Domain Leaders and Classroom teachers also did an outstanding job of preparing students. Also thanks to Ms Dulger and the Senior School team who have done significant preparation work with the cohort.

Principal's Report 1

Academic Prep

The next step for our year 10 cohort is to complete their Academic Preparation for VCE over two days. Students will be completing sessions within their finalized subject choices to best prepare for Year 11 at the start of next year. Thanks to Ms Loudon, Ms Dulger and Ms Cheedu for their organization of this program.


I have written in this newsletter and on Compass a number of times over the years regarding traffic at drop off and pick up time at the front of the school and neighbouring areas. Our school is growing and will be larger again next year and the year after. This means that traffic is likely to increase in the area.

On many days there is dangerous driving on Elevation Boulevard and surrounds including:

  • Dangerous driving and speeding
  • Illegal U turns
  • Double and triple parking
  • Not following the crossing guard directions

This needs to improve. Student safety is the number one priority for all members of our community, especially on the roads at and near school. People driving near schools at school times have extra responsibility to take care.

Officially, the school and the school council have lobbied each of the following for improved services to the school and surrounding area; Hume Council, Craigieburn Police, Hoban (crossing supervisor contractors).

The school and school council have done a significant amount of work in contacting local authorities, alerting them to the issues and seeking support.

There has been some commitment to evaluating the needs and providing improvement, however these are likely to take a long time to achieve.

In the meantime, it is the responsibility of all in the community to drive carefully There is now a heightened responsibility on the entire community to act, park and drive in a safe manner near the school. This year alone two of our students have been hit by cars nearby to the school. It is not acceptable for our students to be exposed to unsafe conditions near the school.

To assist with increasing safety near the school at drop off and pick up time you can:

  • Drop off or pick up your child further away from the school – not everyone needs to be dropped at the front gate
  • Encourage your child to walk or bike where possible
  • Plan your route to avoid making illegal U-turns
  • Drive slower than the speed limit in the immediate vicinity of the school
  • Prioritise your primary school pickup – Many families pick up their child from ESC first before heading quickly off to pick up younger primary school siblings. This makes sense, however it does lead to rushing to make it to the primary school first. Pick up your primary school aged child first, then (if need be), come to Elevation to pick up your older child second. They can use the time to study in the library, attend Homework club etc. (or walk home if they don’t like waiting)

If you have concerns, queries or questions about the traffic, parking and school crossing situation near the school you should contact Hume Council directly. If you have reports to make regarding dangerous driving near the school, please do so directly to Craigieburn Police of by dialing 000.

Principal's Report 2

CAT 4 Fire Danger

I am providing advanced notification that under Victoria’s (and Australia’s) new fire rating system – Elevation Secondary College has been classed as a Category 4 School. This means that if the fire danger rating in our fire weather district is classed as catastrophic – the school will be closed.

Should this eventuality arise – the decision will be made by 2pm the prior day – allowing plenty of advanced notice. You should note that not all Craigieburn schools have the same rating – which means that our school may be closed while others remain open.

This notice serves as advanced warning prior to the bushfire season.

By Colin Burke

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