Junior School | Engagement & Wellbeing

Junior School | Engagement & Wellbeing 1

School Organisation

To ensure students are active participants in their learning, organisation is fundamental to their success. Being prepared for the school day with the right equipment for every session on the day as well completing homework at home is vitally important. Have a discussion with your child about if they have all the equipment they need to succeed in an outside of the classroom.

Checks you can complete with your child

  • Are you bringing a bag to and from school?
  • Is lunch packed for the day?
  • Is the uniform correct?
  • Is their laptop being charged each night and brought to school each day?
  • Do they need new work books, pens or other equipment?
  • Ask them to bring home their subject workbooks, to see what work they have been completing in class.
  • Are they using their locker with a lock to protect their personal belongings? Is their locker organised?

Students need to practice all of these organisational tasks at all levels of schooling so they are fully prepared and have strategies and habits in place for when they reach their VCE years. The junior years are an essential place to start, as the most positive and supportive habits are formed to assist their learning development as they continue their education.


Aspire News | August & September 2023 Edition 27
Junior School | Engagement & Wellbeing 2
Lauren Turnbull

The Butterfly Foundation are one of Australia’s key services for education and support for young purple and their carers experiencing disordered eating and poor body image. Body image and Eating Disorder Awareness Week aims to improve understanding of disordered eating and help young people and their carers gain skills and knowledge to develop healthy attitudes to food, weight and body image. 

In 2022 the Body Kind Youth Survey” asked 1,635 Australian teenagers aged 12-18 years old, to explore the body image experiences of this age group. 

The survey found that around 50% of young people said their body image had stopped them to some extent from raising their hand in class, focusing on schoolwork and going to school. The rest of the findings can be seen here Butterfly BodyKind Snapshot

Parent support can be found here, and details of the upcoming Parent Webinar below. Butterfly Foundation have many more parent supports and resources at Support for Eating Disorders and Body Image Issues | Butterfly Foundation.

Aspire News | August & September 2023 Edition 28

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