Senior School | Careers & Pathways

Senior School Overview

Senior School | Careers & Pathways 1
Asli Dulger

It has only been a few weeks since Semester 2 commenced, however our Senior School students are only just getting started. We have some fantastic updates and events to share with you, which we believe will greatly benefit our students in their academic and personal growth.

VCE Subject Expo

On Monday the 17th of July, we had our VCE Subject Expo Night. The event allowed our wider schooling community to come together and gain valuable insights into the diverse range of VCE courses we offer.

Our dedicated staff and passionate teachers showcased the curriculum and highlighted the unique opportunities each course presents. We believe that informed choices regarding VCE courses are essential for setting students on the path to success, and we are grateful for the strong engagement and support from all families who attended. We wanted to thank HeadStart who were able to attend the evening and facilitate conversations with families regarding school-based apprenticeships.

2024 Course Recommendations

In our commitment to providing an educational experience for our students, we have taken an evidence-based approach to guide our students’ academic choices for 2024.

Our Senior School has meticulously reviewed the previous and current academic achievements of our students and, as a result, provided them with personalised recommendations for their courses in the coming year. We firmly believe that when students are placed in programs that align with their strengths and interests, they are better equipped to achieve success and excel in their studies.

Careers & Course Research

Preparing our students for life beyond high school is a paramount aspect of the Senior School. With this goal in mind, we have collaborated closely with our dedicated Careers Team to initiate the process of researching courses for their future studies. Our students have begun exploring the various post-high school opportunities available to them, along with the specific subjects they need to focus on in order to achieve their aspirations. This initiative empowers students to make well-informed decisions about their future and helps them lay the groundwork for their desired career paths.

Budgeting Activity

Financial literacy is an essential skill, and we believe it is important for our students to understand the principles of budgeting and financial planning. In a recent Professional Development Session (PDM), our students had the opportunity to delve into the workings of prominent companies such as After Pay and explore the conditions behind their financial plans. This activity aimed to equip our students with practical knowledge that will serve them well in their adult lives.

As always, we greatly appreciate your ongoing support and partnership in ensuring the success and wellbeing of our students.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the Senior School office.

Asli Dulger, Senior Leading Teacher

Careers & Pathways

Senior School | Careers & Pathways 7
Jacqueline Hunter
Senior School | Careers & Pathways 8
Alexandra Connor

Now that we’re in the second half of the year, our sights are set on future career and course planning with our Year 9’s and Year 10’s.

Year 9 | My Career Insights (Morrisby)

Morrisby unpacking interviews are now all complete. This marks the last stage in the multi-stage My Career Insights program. All students who had fully completed their profile testing received an interview and feedback has been exceptional! Students have very much enjoyed discussing their results and future aspirations with Morrisby Counsellors, who in turn have commented day after day on what a pleasure it has been to visit our school and have these discussions with our wonderful students.

Interviewed students all have ongoing access to their results and notes, and are encouraged to reflect on these when selecting their subjects for 2024.

Year 10 | Pre-Course Selection Agreement

Our Year 10 students are preparing to make some big decisions about their future pathways and senior programs. To support this and to ensure all students are making well informed decisions, all Year 10 students have been working hard to complete their Pre-Course Selection Assignments.

In this assignment, students select 3 different career areas of interest and investigate the following topics for each one.

Personal Qualities

What kinds of qualities and skills do individuals bring to the role?

Tasks & Duties

What does a typical day in the role look like?

Employment Outlook

Is this career in growth or decline?

Course Requirements & Prerequisites

Students investigate 3 different courses or qualifications that align with their chosen career, and the entry requirements/prerequisites into each one.

Students are to reflect on the findings of this assignment, especially the Course Requirements and Prerequisites, to help them select their VCE, MyVCE or VCE:VM program and subjects to ensure that as many pathway options are open to them as possible.

This is a compulsory assignment and needs to be completed before their Course Selection Day. To support students in completing this assignment they are being given 3 periods of dedicated class time and are encouraged to seek any additional assistance they may need from Jacqui or Ms Connor.

This time of year can be both very exciting and very daunting for students as they make these coming selections, but we are here to guide our students through the process every step of the way. Looking forward to assisting our students in this next big step!

Ms. Hunter & Ms. Connor

Careers Practitioner & Careers Teacher

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